Our Phone Number: +32 3 777 20 15 Our Email Address: info@solidagro.be


Contacteer ons


Mercatorstraat 81
9100 Sint-Niklaas
00 32 (0)3 777 20 15

Seen or experienced something that is unacceptable?

All Solidagro partners, employees and volunteers subscribe to our code of conduct.

Have you experienced or seen something that violates the code of conduct, or something that makes you feel uncomfortable? You can submit a complaint via this link

Complaints managers Paul Verbeke (chairman of Solidagro) and Birgit De Clerck (external consultant) take appropriate actions based on the complaints handling procedure. They carry out an independent analysis and provide timely feedback. They always take a confidential and respectful position towards all parties involved.

You can also always talk in confidence with our integrity advisor, Elisa Tondeleir. This can be done in Dutch, French and English.

You can find more information about our integrity policy here.

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