Right to food in Senegal

The right to food in Burkina Faso

The right to food in the Philippines

The right to food in Bolivia

As an international NGO with partner organizations Bisan and Palestinian Agroecological Forum in Palestine, we raise our voice on the escalation of violence in Gaza since October 7th 2023. We condemn the war crimes on both sides of the conflict, of which Palestinian and Israeli citizens are the victims. We join the worldwide call to an immediate and definitive ceasefire and demand an end to the apartheid regime that the Israeli government implements in Palestine.
Through a policy of colonization and apartheid the Israeli government has been limiting the freedom of movement and the sovereignty of Palestinian citizens for decades. Not without reason people speak of the illegal occupation of Palestine (the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem). Resistance is suppressed by force and with impunity.
Since Hamas’ attack (the militant group in power in the Gaza Strip) on Israeli soldiers and citizens on October 7th 2023, the Israeli aggression barely knows no boundaries. Tens of thousands of Gaza residents, mostly women and children, have died by bombings. The access to the most fundamental basic needs (food, water, healthcare, electricity, etc.) is completely shut down because of continuous air raids and by blocking sufficient humanitarian aid. This causes an unprecedented level of food insecurity and acute famine in Gaza. In its 26 January verdict, the International Court of Justice found it plausible that Israel is committing acts of genocide, and is launching further investigations. Meanwhile in the West Bank repression is increasing heavily.
Agroecology as resistance movement
Occupation is always accompanied by various forms of resistance and striving for a society with equal rights, peace and respect. In Palestine we saw numerous resistance movements long before the escalation of violence. One of those is the agroecological movement, which strives towards a different politic, social and ecological agriculture and food system, to which we contribute with Solidagro and our local partners Bisan and Palestinian Agroecological Forum. Agroecology centers on the right to food, which for Palestinians is flagrantly violated by the Israeli government.
Agroecology is vital for Palestinians as the Israeli army colonizes agriculture and food and water supplies, and uses them as a weapon of war. They block access to agricultural land by building walls and creating borders or by force. Fields, orchards and agricultural infrastructure are destroyed. Sometimes done to establish new Israeli settlements. The colonizers divert water sources to those same settlements and make food supplies dependent on Israeli import.
Belgian responsibility
We join the worldwide call to an immediate and definitive ceasefire. We demand that Belgium and the European Union (EU) recognize Palestine as a state, that both end their complicity by cancelling any direct or indirect support to Israel, and that both institutions impose sanctions, apply diplomatic pressure and impose a military embargo. Belgium and the European Union should intervene to protect Palestinian civilians from acute famine by putting pressure on Israel to allow humanitarian aid on a large scale. We specifically demand that Belgium no longer allows arms or ammunition to be transported to Israel from or through Belgium. Belgium has the opportunity to take a leading role and be an example for other member states of the EU.
Furthermore, we demand a boycott on agricultural products from Israel that contribute to the current Palestinian food insecurity.
In cooperation with civil society organizations, Belgium can change its own policy and take its responsibility to put pressure on the Israeli government, thereby encouraging other member states to do the same.
As long as there is no ceasefire, we cannot speak of the rebuilding of Palestine. However, we do believe in a future for the Palestinian people and emphasize the following fundamentals:
December 9, 2024
Marilou firmly remembers the peaceful life they once had, enjoying the freedom to cultivate their land without interference. However, in 2019, that peace was abruptly disrupted by the onset of a quarrying operation. The operation did not just disturb their daily lives; it posed a direct threat to their rightful place on the land they had called home for generations. She knew she had to stand firm to protect their land.
Read more about "Agroecology: a tool for the defense of human and land rights in the Philippines"
August 27, 2024
Last July, a severe tropical storm flooded large parts of the Philippines. Many buildings and agricultural infrastructure were destroyed. The storm also raged in Quezon City, destroying a community garden that is supported by our programme with our partner PNFSP. This network, together with nearby communities and the civic movement People's Unified Strength, has now held a “Tanimang Bayan” activity to restore the garden.
Read more about "Urban Gardeners: Growing Food on a Former Landfill in Manila"
June 19, 2024
Our partner Bisan Center for Research & Development, together with Palestinian civil society organizations and trade unions, calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza on June 25. Israel's ongoing campaign of genocide has caused enormous suffering and destruction. "It is time for the world to unite in solidarity to end this humanitarian crisis," Bisan said. Solidagro supports the campaign. Below we share the call shared by Bisan on their website.
April 24, 2024
Things are stirring in the seed industry. Following a major European legislative change, the outcome of which we will probably not know until early 2025, we outline the situation of seed sovereignty in Europe and our partner countries the Philippines and Bolivia. Change is imminent in all three areas, with one red line: more power to industry, less to farmer.inn.en. The focus on seeds and the regulations surrounding them is still limited, we want to highlight what is at stake. Let's take a look at the Philippines.
Read more about "Free trade puts Philippine seed system at risk"
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