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Posts about Golden Rice


  1. Free trade puts Philippine seed system at risk

    April 24, 2024

    Free trade puts Philippine seed system at risk

    Things are stirring in the seed industry. Following a major European legislative change, the outcome of which we will probably not know until early 2025, we outline the situation of seed sovereignty in Europe and our partner countries the Philippines and Bolivia. Change is imminent in all three areas, with one red line: more power to industry, less to farmer.inn.en. The focus on seeds and the regulations surrounding them is still limited, we want to highlight what is at stake. Let's take a look at the Philippines.

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  2. Highlight of Solidagro program in the Philippines

    December 28, 2022

    Highlight of Solidagro program in the Philippines

    In 2022, the Philippine partners have embarked on engaging the youth in promoting agroecology. The involvement of young people in agroecology is crucial because they are the ones who will face the worst effects of climate change and environmental destruction. 

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