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Posts about Partners


  1. Urban Gardeners: Growing Food on a Former Landfill in Manila

    August 27, 2024

    Urban Gardeners: Growing Food on a Former Landfill in Manila

    Last July, a severe tropical storm flooded large parts of the Philippines. Many buildings and agricultural infrastructure were destroyed. The storm also raged in Quezon City, destroying a community garden that is supported by our programme with our partner PNFSP. This network, together with nearby communities and the civic movement People's Unified Strength, has now held a “Tanimang Bayan” activity to restore the garden.

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  2. Free trade puts Philippine seed system at risk

    April 24, 2024

    Free trade puts Philippine seed system at risk

    Things are stirring in the seed industry. Following a major European legislative change, the outcome of which we will probably not know until early 2025, we outline the situation of seed sovereignty in Europe and our partner countries the Philippines and Bolivia. Change is imminent in all three areas, with one red line: more power to industry, less to farmer.inn.en. The focus on seeds and the regulations surrounding them is still limited, we want to highlight what is at stake. Let's take a look at the Philippines.

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  3. Philippine partners deliver strong work despite El Niño

    February 7, 2024

    Philippine partners deliver strong work despite El Niño

    For Filipino farmers April 2023 marked the return of El Niño, a long period of persistent drought. The drought is sure to continue until February 2024. All the more reason for Solidagro's partners to put agroecology forward as a more resilient agricultural and food supply system. A key strategy is to start up agroecological educational farms that strengthen the knowledge and skills of farming communities.

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  4. Learning farm in the Philippines provides its own electricity

    November 17, 2022

    Learning farm in the Philippines provides its own electricity

    Capacity building of local farmers is Solidagro's 'core business'. Besides upgrading the water pump in Dilag (read more here), our local partner CDPC also installed solar panels on the agro-ecological learning farm in Lacnog, southeast of Tabuk. Honnold Foundation funded the panels, Solidagro, through CDPC, provides the organic fertilisers, training and general operation of the farm.

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  5. Philippine partner CDPC opts for green energy

    November 17, 2022

    Philippine partner CDPC opts for green energy

    Capacity building of local farmers is Solidagro's 'core business'. In October, our Philippine partner CDPC (Center for Development Programs in the Cordillera), completed two solar energy projects in that context, with Solidagro's support. The community of Dilag village, with whom CDPC is working, took the initiative itself to start up and maintain an electric water system. And the Lacnog agro-ecological school was also in need of green energy.

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