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Posts about Senegal


  1. African Alliance for Food Sovereignty calls for unified agroecological position at Climate Summit

    October 10, 2022

    African Alliance for Food Sovereignty calls for unified agroecological position at Climate Summit

    Good agroecological news from Africa, where we are working in Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal. The Alliance for the Food Sovereignty of Africa (AFSA), with more than 30 civil society groups from 50 African countries, is rallying behind the mission to make African agriculture agroecological. Following the November Climate Summit (COP27), the AFSA therefore formulated six recommendations.

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  2. UN Food Systems Summit – Will the Summit generate real change?

    December 18, 2020

    UN Food Systems Summit – Will the Summit generate real change?

    According to recent FAO reports, global hunger and food insecurity have continuously risen since 2014.[1] Deforestation, ongoing conflicts, unprecedented biodiversity loss and marginalisation of small farmers and peasants have contributed to a global food system failure.

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  3. Let's talk about our rights - A meeting in Senegal between partners

    August 27, 2019

    Let's talk about our rights - A meeting in Senegal between partners

    In April, Viva Salud, KIYO and Solidagro brought together their partner organizations from Morocco, Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal, DR Congo and Burundi in Senegal for an exchange on the strategy and good experiences of each in the defence of the rights of all.

    We started by exchanging the specificities of our approach, the rights-based approach, by sharing experiences from the field. Each country presented the pillars that seem to be the most important.

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