African Alliance for Food Sovereignty calls for unified agroecological position at Climate Summit
Oct 10, 2022

Good agroecological news from Africa, where we are working in Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal. The Alliance for the Food Sovereignty of Africa (AFSA), with more than 30 civil society groups from 50 African countries, is rallying behind the mission to make African agriculture agroecological. Following the November Climate Summit (COP27), the AFSA therefore formulated six recommendations.
The recommendations came after three days of consultations in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, between AFSA members from 30 (out of 54) African countries and Ethiopia's Climate Change Consortium.
The policy recommendations listed:
1. Include agroecological transition in the national plans you propose at the Climate Summit.
Because agroecology is a way to sustainably transform food systems, strengthen the resilience of soils AND farmers, store carbon in soils, and allow fishers, farmers and others to adapt to climate change.
2. Provide more climate finance for farmers
The time has come for appropriate funding for small farmers, fishers, livestock producers and indigenous communities to support them in their transition to a more sustainable food system.
3. Involve small African producers in climate negotiations.
Family food producers and indigenous communities should be involved in the Climate Summit negotiations because it is they who manage landscapes across Africa.
4. Be alert to false solutions for African food systems.
Solutions around food issues offered by agro-technology companies often threaten access to land and own, local agricultural seeds.
5. Apply the action plan around gender equality
Women in agriculture must be free to make economic decisions to manage their land and commercialize and diversify their food crops. Only then can they support their families.
6. Involve children and youth in climate action and more specifically in the agroecological transition
The involvement of African youth contributes to a livable climate in the future. They can take on the role of starting profitable agro-economic businesses and making local economies flourish.
A united Africa for agroecology
Million Belay, the general coordinator AFSA invites all African countries to work together to champion the above recommendations at COP27 in Cairo and beyond in the future.
Belay: "We know that climate change will continue to have an effect on food prices. It will impact the lives of fishermen, farmers and livestock producers."
The outline for negotiations has been set. The next step is the big rendez-vous in Cairo, where this African position will be defended by the national delegates.
This article is an adapted version of this article on the African agriculture website
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